FFY 2016 LIHEAP Outreach Activities

LIHEAP Outreach Activities

AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | DC | FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA
| MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | ND | OH
| OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY

Note: Outreach is an important aspect of administering LIHEAP, both at the state and local level. Effective outreach means the most needy households, or those the state has prioritized such as elderly or disabled, are made aware of the program as well as of other energy-related programs for which they may be eligible. Effective outreach can also streamline the application process.

In their annual LIHEAP plans, LIHEAP grantees are asked to check which of the following activities are conducted in order to assure that eligible households are made aware of all available LIHEAP assistance. The information below is from state LIHEAP plans.

In addition to the six activities listed, states also identified other means of outreach. These include toll-free phone lines operated by at least 10 states and special assistance such as translation and bilingual brochures to non-English speaking households.

At least eight states had special outreach for recipients of public assistance programs such as welfare and food stamps. This outreach was in the form of either mass mailings of applications to these households, early application periods, early notification, or pre-authorization.

States are required by statute to accept applications for energy crisis assistance at sites that are geographically accessible to all households in the area to be served.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Utilize early application period at the beginning of the program for the elderly or disabled

Send out pre-season, start-up packets with posters, flyers, staff contact information, crisis information, etc. to over 400 agencies. Participate in an energy fair put on by Homer electric each fall. The Regulatory Commission of Alaska takes applications out to to fairs they participate in. Take advantage of other opportunities to make presentation and attend fairs as they arise.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs

Service providers periodically hold mass intake events.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Utilize early application period at the beginning of the program for the elderly or disabled
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

Partnerships with utility companies; outreach to legislative offices, community organizations, and attendance at community events; Referrals to CSD's programs from child care centers; Toll-free phone line; Canvas neighborhoods and go door-to-door; Distribute flyers at schools.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

A media campaign is conducted each year that includes paid advertising on television including call-in sessions to major news stations, interviews on a Spanish-speaking network, and ads on radio stations. The State maintains a website that provides eligibility information, a current application, and instructions on the application process. Colorado LIHEAP also maintains a toll-free phone line, which is highly publicized. The customer service representatives provide information on the LIHEAP application process, answer questions and will mail applications to interested households.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs

State website includes information for both prospective applicants as well as vendors. Energy assistance information is also streamed through the 'DSS Network' at all DSS intake sites to inform DSS clients of the availability of heating assistance. An early application period is used at the beginning of the program to allow agencies time to provide outreach to vulnerable households, especially those that are homebound.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs

Provide intake services by phone for the elderly and disabled.

District of Columbia
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs

LIHEAP staff regularly conducts targeted outreach in coordination with DOEE's Public Information Office. Staff visits Advisory Neighborhood Commission meetings, senior citizen housing complexes and other local organizations to present program information for the upcoming fiscal year. DOEE's annual mass mailing for the District's Utility Discount Program includes information about LIHEAP assistance.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

The Department's website contains information concerning income eligibility and lists local providers and contact information for LIHEAP.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance

Send LIHEAP flyers to agencies that assist the elderly and disabled individuals to inform them of the start of LIHEAP and the program requirements. Request that Utility companies encourage their customers to apply for LIHEAP. Utility companies provide applications to those interested in LIHEAP at their office. Utility companies include LIHEAP reminders with bills and in a newsletter they provide customers. Utility companies provide literature, freebies, and provide personnel to assist contractor's efforts in promoting LIHEAP benefits and performance measures. Provide pamphlet to all organizations or individuals who work with the needy populations who request information. Local contractors use radio and local newspapers to inform the public of LIHEAP application period and requirements. Local contractors review LIHEAP requirements with their clients in their other programs. In remote areas, contracted community agencies will go door to door educating people about LIHEAP and encouraging them to apply for the program.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Utilize early application period at the beginning of the program for the elderly or disabled

Provide intake services through home visits or by telephone for the physically infirm (i.e., elderly or disabled). Application intake for vulnerable populations begins on October 1 and all other application intake begins on November 1 each season. Advise community partners of LIHEAP start date. Publish program information on website.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

Assessment of both REACH and Project Joules, has allowed Indiana to create a uniform and effective process for its outreach activities. All sub grantees will receive information on the new standardized approach to Indiana's Energy Education. Agencies will advertise Energy Education opportunities in effort to target eligible households.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income program
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

A toll-free number is available for consumers. DCF also provides to weatherization a list of all recipients of LIHEAP to target services to those with potential need. DCF has an online application process to allow consumers to access many benefit programs through the internet including LIHEAP.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs

The Division of Family Support sends a memorandum to each of the local Department for Community Based Services offices notifying field staff of the dates, times, and locations of the agencies, in order for recipients to apply. This information is posted in the lobby or waiting rooms of each DCBS office.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs

Presentations at community and school meetings. Off-site event for distribution (Housing conferences, seminars, churches, community centers, etc.)

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Utilize early application period at the beginning of the program for the elderly or disabled

Each subgrantee develops and provides additional services and benefits for LIHEAP clients from various private agencies. Many of these agencies are unique to a particular area and benefits range from transportation to an appointment for intake or providing blankets or fuel. Subgrantees supply program brochures and posters/flyers to energy vendors for placement/distribution in their customer service areas.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

24-hour toll free hotline, TTY for hearing impaired, applications taken at senior centers, brochure with mailed application includes energy savings tips, where to call, benefits etc.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

DHCD implemented a Benefit Enrollment and Coordination System (BECS) with three distinct features: (1) testing eligibility for non-LIHEAP resources; (2) making referrals; and (3) conducting client assessment (based on several self-sufficiency matrices). DHCD is in the process of implementing BECS to its full potential including but not limited to referring Heatline callers to Subgrantee agencies through BECS. DHCD strongly encourages that Subgrantees provide intake for clients outside of normal business hours, when needed. Target vulnerable households including the Limited English Proficiency population and applicants with possible high energy burden. LIHEAP vital Forms are available in several languages. DHCD and its Subgrantees maintain working relationships with other state agencies such as the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA), especially the SNAP office and the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, which assists in program outreach activities. Promotes LIHEAP to those facing high energy bills and/or financial hardships. Many LIHEAP eligible households with utility arrearages are referred to investor-owned utility companies to be enrolled in their respective Arrearage Management Programs (AMPs).

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

Michigan informs low-income applicants of the availability of LIHEAP via notices to clients, State web-sites, letters, posters, publications and weatherization referrals.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

State issues press releases, does a mass mailing to prior-year LIHEAP recipients and may work with other entities such as AARP to mail postcards to households.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

Regulated home energy providers are required to provide inserts with billing notices for the program. Seniors are mailed applications one month earlier than prior-year applicants.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

Each administering Agency targets client outreach for all eligible households in accordance with annual work plans submitted by each. Each work plan describes the eligible activity and then describes how the activity will be accomplished.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs

Nebraska has a list of community partners across the state that participate in the fan program to distribute fans in the cooling season. Community Support Specialists work with the Community Action agencies to update and inform them of programs, the agencies then inform clients of the program. Energy Providers also reach out to Nebraska residents with energy assistance needs. ACCESSNebraska has a website to inform clients of the program and applications can be submitted via this website as well. Nebraska also works with NEAN (Nebraska Energy Assistance Network), a local energy provider network for all providers, to inform the providers of any changes with the program and also keep current on energy eligibility and program progress.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

Households consisting of elderly and/or disabled members will be mailed a simplified re-determination application at least 30 days proceeding the date they may be eligible for a current year benefit.

New Hampshire
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
New Jersey
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups
New Mexico
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs

LIHEAP application is available for download on the HSD website in English and Spanish.

New York
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs

HSD works closely with vendors and other local organizations to reach low income families and the elderly.

North Carolina
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups
North Dakota
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

The county social service boards and alternate outreach organizations shall distribute heating assistance application forms to all individuals upon request, and provide such application forms to fuel suppliers, Community Action Agencies, senior citizen centers or any other individuals or organizations that are willing to distribute the form to potentially eligible households.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

Toll- free information line, toll-free TDD service, process elderly and disabled applications first. The State of Ohio maintains an Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) on its toll-free telephone line, available on a 24-hour basis. The system can advise callers if their application has been received, whether the application was approved, the amount of the benefit, and when it will be issued. The system is also able to direct callers to the Local Delegate Agency providing crisis assistance and weatherization services. The State of Ohio has contracted with a service called Language Line. The State of Ohio has a website to track application status. Funds are used by the Ohio Department of Aging (ODA) to conduct program outreach and public education activities in all counties. Through coordination with the Ohio Benefit Bank (OBB) which is a free web-based application system for free tax preparation and other public benefit programs, is a one-stop, counselor assisted program that converts complex eligibility requirements into easy to answer questions. VetCorp (AmeriCorp members) outreach to veterans and active military.

  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs

Many utility vendors give LIHEAP information to their customers via phone contact with customer service representatives as well as billing inserts. DHS LIHEAP is also listed in the JOIN (Joint Oklahoma Information Network) online directory as well as the Heartline 2-1-1 network directory. Both JOIN and Heartline 2-1-1 refer applicants to multiple agencies, nonprofits, and programs including LIHEAP.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

Sub-grantees must indicate within their work plan application whether or not they intend to target any portion of the population and the time period dedicated to the targeted group.

  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs

Application and flyers are available in Spanish and translation services for other languages are available upon request. Provide reproducible public education materials to utility companies and fuel vendors, upon request, for use in such ways as bill messages.

Rhode Island
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
South Carolina
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
South Dakota
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs

Web-based on-line application system that is available to the general public. This year, 2016, the rollout is a pilot to establish volumes and work processes. The system isn't advertised yet but it will be offered as an alternative to clients who want to apply from home or do not want to wait for an appointment.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

Mass Mailings: For Seasonal (heating) Fuel Assistance, the Vermont Economic Services Division (ESD) annually mails eligibility "renewal" documents for all public benefits that a household is receiving including LIHEAP, SNAP, TANF and healthcare programs. Other: Maintain an aggressive web presence with links between state government and non-profit programs that serve generally the same clientele. Provide annual training for advocates around the state. Operate an "800" state-wide "Benefits Service Center." For Seasonal (heating) Fuel Assistance, paper applications are available on-line, and clients can apply on-line.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

Provides applications upon request as well as access to applications on the VDSS public website. Applications can be submitted in person as well as by mail, fax, and online via CommonHelp. Applications are accepted at sites that are geographically accessible to all households within the service area. A toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is provided. Each September, the VDSS uses specific criteria to match cases from the Heating Assistance database with cases in the SNAP database. The households who meet this specific eligibility criterion are automatically approved for Heating Assistance. Households that are not pre-approved for Heating Assistance but received Heating, Crisis, or Cooling Assistance in the last year are mailed a pre-printed Heating Assistance application.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
West Virginia
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups
  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Utilize early application period at the beginning of the program for the elderly or disabled
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

Allocate funds specifically for the purpose of outreach to households with elderly, disabled, rural poor, and/or young children. An early application period will be utilized prior to the heating season. This process includes accepting applications during the summer for the following FFY from targeted households. Set up LIHEAP application sites for targeted households (contacting targeted persons or their representatives to ascertain convenient times and places, contacting community leaders to locate and serve application sites, providing information on alternate sites to organizations/programs likely to reach targeted persons, contacting targeted persons to arrange application appointments, transportation, etc.). Provide information directly or by selective mailing to targeted applicants, e.g., assistance to understand the application form, translation of material, interpretation services for deaf, reading for blind. Assist targeted applicants to gather needed documentation e.g., sorting documents, explaining what is needed.

Facilitate access to state weatherization programs targeted to LIHEAP eligible households and other energy-related services e.g., utility early identification and emergency intervention. It is the responsibility of each county/tribe to provide outreach and application sites accessible to the eligible population with particular attention to overcoming barriers for targeted households. Outreach client benefits include: taking applications, certifying application information, and processing applications at an alternate site.

  • Place posters/flyers in local and county social service offices, offices of aging, Social Security office, VA, etc.
  • Publish articles in local newspapers or broadcast media announcements
  • Include inserts in energy vendor billings to inform individuals of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance
  • Make mass mailing to past recipients of LIHEAP
  • Inform low-income applicants of the availability of all types of LIHEAP assistance at application intake for other low-income programs
  • Execute interagency agreements with other low-income program offices to perform outreach to target groups

Social Media and Department and other Agency websites; participation at events that allow for the distribution of informational materials (e.g. Farmers markets, etc.); application fairs.

Source: FY 2016 state plans